  Our mission is to supply our domestic big trading houses, manufacturers and distributors with high-quality goods at the most competitive prices, as well as punctual deliveries, which is why our customers keep buying from us, as what we have been able to give them has actually been translated into higher profit margins. Our goal is to meet our customers' needs, which can only be achieved by offering them top quality goods, at extremely competitive prices.  
  Market information and trends in Taiwan, the canvassing of out market with exporters/shippers products, financial checks of potential buyers and after business has been transacted, the arranging of appointments with the domestic buyers as well as transportation to the buyer's facilities. Besides the aforementioned, we also furnish our suppliers with domestic market reports, trends, statistics and product structure.  
  To offer constant and consistent service, professionalism, trust as well as enthusiastic and patient service.  
  It is my firm belief that both in the near and distant future there will be a place for Agricom, as we have a restive nature to not only see what we should do but also what more can be done, rather than to just sit back, take it easy and accept things. We will tirelessly go forward and do our best, as our aim is to offer our customers greater options, expand on the suppliers that we buy from and become more of a multi-facet company. It is only by thus doing that a company can grow in these times.